Young Houdini - Get It @Houdinidagod

Well, who is this lyrical guru that we call HoudniniDaGod?  Who is this atrocious producer from the mid-west? And why is he important? Jowan Tyrese Payton (born January 30, 1999) is a young rapper from the north & south side of Chicago. His various flows and versatility in styles of rap are the things that place him in front of a lot of other Chicago rappers and demands attention from every real hip hop fan. HoudniniDaGod as a very industry ready flow and is eager to take the world by storm. HoudniniDaGod is a very important person because he can be a voice for youth and can lead the way to better living and safety in Chicago, also worldwide. HoudniniDaGod's "it's our time" single dropped in the summer of 2014. Songs like that show his unique style. HoudniniDaGod has big dreams of making an impact on the rapping industry and hopes his fans see him as someone with a positive message. He also wants fans to see him as a chill, goofy, funny, and practical person with a story to tell.

Twitter: @Houdinidagod
Instagram: @Houdinidagod


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